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Physician care of chemical dependency and other medical or psychiatric issues combined with web-based behavioral services provide a real solution to the root cause of family, employer or legal difficulties. Alternative to residential care or incarceration, motivated participants can demonstrate a self-initiated effort by weekly physician tele-health and both group and individual Zoom meetings to stay available for family, employer and legal responsibilities.
Twice daily, tamper-sensitive, data-reported, breathalyzer tests
Weekly random observed instant-result random oral fluid tests
Weekly Nationally Certified Peer Coach individual meetings
Optional random observed, laboratory analyzed, oral fluid tests
Weekly physician appointments to review medical management, program oversight, client progress and attendance
3x/week Nationally Certified Peer Coach group meetings
Weekly Nationally Certified Peer Coach family therapy meetings
Ongoing and final physician reports, letters or consultation with probation, courts, employers, cps or legal counsel as required
The same clinical model can be used even if you do not have legal problems.
Medical Doctor consultation and composite written reports are provided to Probation, Courts, CPS or legal counsel as required.
Tell your lawyer, probation officer, therapist or CPS analyst about this program to see if enrollment can help you solve your challenges.
Better yet, call now ! 209-206-1177
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