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The time periods are accurate. We stay on schedule. This helps train the self-discipline that keeps us on the straight and narrow. The actual times vary as the seasons change because we rise with the sun and rest when it goes down. The detoxification phase follows a separate schedule.
7a Easy Rise / Ablution
730a Meditation / Setting of Intention
8a Hot Yoga: Vinyasa Flow or 26 Poses
930a Shower / light breakfast / CEO check in
1030a Yogic studies: Yamas & Niyamas
1130a Group / Individual counseling
1230p Lunch
130p Yogic Stuides: Upanishads
230p Complimentary or Alternative therapies
330 Main house crew / Outisde crew (alternating)
530 Chill / Ready for Dinner
600 Dinner
630 Outside crew does dishes, Inside crew has personal time.
700 Evening group
800 Evening wind down personal time
900 Bed time reading
930 LIghts out
We rise with the sun,. awaken slowly, quietly, and peacefully. A little bathroom time, then you make your bed & tidy your belongings. Morning meditation and setting of intentions gives a few more minutes to wake up and then it’s off to a rigorous sweat in the yoga / fitness studio. A 90 minute block begins with breathing exercises, reiteration of intention, and a rigorous guided tour of asanas - the poses and movements of yoga. Yoga is much more than the exercise, it’s a way of practicing a joyous and contented life. Yoga cultivates an appreciation of everything: the good, the not so good, the limits and the limitless. In so doing it teaches an existence of comfort and satisfaction that most addicts are missing thus resolving the need to turn to substances. Yoga teaches both humility and confidence to serve as the pathway to a joyous, fulfilling and contented life.
After yoga we enjoy active rest with a shower, a humble breakfast, a quick in-person or zoom check-in with CEO and Program Director Dr. Jeffrey Hodgson and then it’s off to the classroom building / music studio for a couple hours before lunch and a couple more after..
Then it’s out to the yard, rain or shine, for gardening, animal care and yard projects or back to the house for domestic duties including meal prep, cleaning, and laundry. Our dual occupancy arrangement means you’ll be spending plenty of time in the company of your roomy. Alternating your afternoon tasks gives you a little separation time every day.
The final hour of the day is spent attending a group meeting by zoom with other attendees or an in-house group meeting focused on after care items like job-search, job-training, college re-entry, or any venue related to the practicalities of a life in recovery.
Evening wind down gives you some choice in things. Perhaps another blast of one of our variety of alternative therapies; some people like a bath before bed; or maybe turning in early suits you better.
Then it’s nightly night for a well deserved sleep to make ready for another day.
At first the days go slow but still the weeks go fast and quickly a month will be behind you. Before you even notice, you will find yourself involuntarily happy and calm. Your clothes will fit better. You will have a prideful stride and a smile like never before, brimming with calm and confidence, free of the slavery and misery of addictions that brought you here. Some can’t wait to get back to the world but most tend to stay another month or two. I’ts a decision to be made in the third week of each month. But it’s a busy life so all ya gotta do is go for the ride,. We’ll show you the way. Yer gonna love it.
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